Friday, February 7, 2020

Teaching Online Using Skype

Teaching Online Using SkypeTutoring via Skype has been one of the most popular ways to educate and learn. Many online tutors, such as myself, have used Skype to cover a variety of subjects, such as chemistry, Maths, Spanish, Art History, Business, English, and more. Many of these tutors, including myself, use the software to chat with clients, ask questions, or just for fun!Because of the potential for so many different topics that can be covered through Skype, many tutors find this one of the best ways to teach their students. But what do you do in this situation? You may find yourself having to sign up for a service, such as EZ Tutor, to help you get things off of Skype. While I think this is the safest way to teach online, it is also not really the most efficient way.The most important thing to remember is to set aside time for your classes. It would be irresponsible to set aside an hour each day to tutor, as you are missing out on hundreds of hours of actual learning time.Tutorin g via Skype is also not always the easiest way to have a fun class. If you are attempting to teach any subject, you can only do so much in a couple of minutes of your time. Although it is a great method to offer students hands-on experience, the limited learning time is not something that makes it the best choice for the school environment.This is probably the most important aspect of tutoring, since it limits the amount of time you can spend on educating your students. Teaching is a difficult job, but it can be done effectively when you are given the proper tools and resources.What a student learns by being taught is not what they will remember later on in life. While being able to chat with an online tutor to answer some basic questions or allow for some extra instructions is nice, it does not prepare students for being successful in school, or in life.There are a lot of benefits to teaching online, but not all of them are worthwhile when you are dealing with students who can no l onger have their own time. You do need to be cautious of how you spend your own time, but there are ways to make it work.